Monday, May 4, 2020

Relationship between Motivation and Job Satisfaction Samples

Question: Examine the relationship between Motivation and Job Satisfaction. Answer: Introduction This paper will be able to review articles relating to motivation and job satisfaction in the work environment. It will determine the relationship that exists between job satisfaction and motivation of employees. Employees will be satisfied with the job if they are motivated by their employers. The paper will be able to examine in detail the relationship that will exist between the motivation of the employees and the job performance. According to Armstrong, (2014) employee motivation and performance are the key factors in any organization. Motivation refers to the process of motivating people to be able to achieve their goals in the organization. Some of the psychological factors that may motivate employees in organization are the need of more money and respect of others.Motivation is very important in the management of the organization. Motivation is used to encourage workers to be able to make an optimistic input in achieving organizational objectives and goals. On the other hand job satisfaction refers to the level of contentment by the employee with their job .The nature of their work favors them and there is less supervision. Job satisfaction can be fulfilled when employees work to achieve the targets and goals that are set by the organization. The measurements of job satisfaction include the following; appreciation, communication, job conditions, nature of work, personal growth, policies , promotion of empl oyees, security and supervision.According to Pinder,(2014) states that job satisfaction reflect the happiness derived in their job by the activities that they perform. Motivation is one of the key factors that move the employees or human being to achieve his or her goals. Motivation is a guiding principle that is able to allow people to be focused on their success despite the challenges the people face. According to Arifin, (2014 ) motivation can be of two forms intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation refers to direct relationship between a worker and the task the employee is given. E.g. achievement and competence of the employees. The employees in this case should learn from the activities in the job environment .On the other hand extrinsic motivation comes from the work environment which includes good salary and benefits. Job satisfaction is affected by motivation given by the employers in the work environment. One of the factors that are affected by motivation in the work environment is commitment. The commitment of the employee is enhanced when he or she feels motivated and satisfied at his or her job. If an employee feels that he or she is motivated at work he would work hard in the level of employment since he will e satisfied with his or her work. Motivation and job satisfaction goes together in hand to enhance commitment. Job satisfaction in the work environment can be achieved through vary approach which incorporates vary approach. Vary approach is used to vary the routine activities of the organization to build excitement in the organization. Vary approach can be applied by building contests on the job challenges that affect the employees and help to build overall productivity. By expanding motivation of the employees it leads to job satisfaction. Though it is difficult to motivate employees, it is advisable to look for the desires and needs of the employees. The managers should also lead the job teams by serving as their role model ( Atmojo,2015). Feeling worth is one of the elements of motivation in the work environment. If an employee feels worth in the organization both mentally and emotionally then he and she will be able to be satisfied with his job. The employees need to be praised based on their performance, talents and reward them on different types of gratitude. Also the manager can help design projects that will bring more new equipments and materials that will help the employees achieve their objective by bringing the feeling of worth among the employees. Another element of motivation that affects job satisfaction is optimism. There is a link between optimism and job satisfaction. Leaders in the organization need to encourage optimism especially during the time of challenges. Low job satisfaction leads to employees to work less due to low motivation, low self esteem and negative aspect of life (Danish,2010). According to Liu,(2011) increase in salary is one of the motivating factors that will affect job satisfaction. Other factors that will affect motivation leading to the job satisfaction of employees are annual leave, promotion of the employees, performance appraisal, recognition of the employees and lastly motivation talks with the employees in the job environment. Future Research Based on the above research other future researches need to be conducted which are in line with the study. One of the future research that need to be conducted is the relationship between motivation and performance. When an employee is motivated by an increment in salary or goven any promotion then the employees are motivated to work more harder leading to good performance. Research should be done to determine the relationship between performance and motivation. Another research to be conducted include the relationship between intelligence and job performance. The performance of the organization is determined by the level of intelligence of employees hence the need for the research. Conclusion Low motivation which leads to low job satisfaction since it leads to lack of enthusiasm at work, lack of clear career projection. The management and employers need improve the work place environment like recognition of employees in organization, involving them in decision making and lastly incorporating incentives and bonuses in salaries to improve motivation leading job satisfaction of employees (Kuvaas,2009). References Andersen, L. B., Kjeldsen, A. M. (2013). Public service motivation, user orientation, and job satisfaction: A question of employment sector?.International Public Management Journal,16(2), 252-274. Arifin, H. M. (2014). The influence of competence, motivation, and organisational cultureto high school teacher job satisfaction and performance.International Education Studies,8(1), 38. Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014).Armstrong's handbook of human resourc management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Atmojo, M. (2015). The influence of transformational leadership on job satisfactio organizational commitment, and employee performance.International research journal of business studies,5(2). Cerasoli, C. 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